Browsing All posts tagged under »sister«

Fish Bones

July 6, 2011


Fish bones. Tiny, translucent fish bones a third of the length of a toothpick refused to separate themselves from the grilled perch on my plate. After the second or third attempt to not swallow them, I abandoned the fish for the green beans and hoped that the bones wouldn’t perforate my intestines in my sleep. […]

[4] Slaap Lekker, Sleep Well

April 5, 2009


Something inside me can’t sleep. Dreams are a constant mystery in my life. Everything from my grandfather coming to the house to talk to me, to my sister coming down with an awful nervous system disease, to caustically honest conversations with former lovers, to a storm of epic proportions, to coworkers showing up to see […]

Dear April 3rd

April 3, 2008


I didn’t know there were such things as getting splinters from cactuses. But, ow, I know now. My sister and I have decided that we need to mount a video camera onto my dashboard. We’d be YouTube starlets because of the conversations we have. “And you’d be like ‘WHOA!’ And I’d be like ‘Yeah!’ You’d […]

Nice Beetle

March 4, 2008


We’re sitting on a two-lane road in a huge line of traffic. Some jerkbrain decides to move into the left-hand lane and drive in the opposing traffic’s lane to cut in front of everyone. I honked. Hae: Honk! Me: I did! Hae: Honk… Louder then! Me: No, I don’t want to honk at this nice […]

Sweatpants, Wildfire, and My Sister.

February 25, 2008


“These sweatpants have pockets. I think that’s what the extra ten dollars was for.” “Really? Can they not find anything else to write about for this show? I mean, really?” “I told you! This show has the same storyline over and over. But they’re probably really popular with the short-term memory crowd.” “Oh, that’s true.” […]